A unique aspect of the Science-Fiction and Fantasy genres is their scope - a backdrop of greatness, variety and great size. Isaac Asimov's Robot and Foundation novels take place in galaxy of human expansion and dominance. George Lucas' Star Wars franchise takes place in a galaxy with millions of varied species, billions of planets, intrigue and action. Raymond E. Feist's Midkemia/Kelewan novels take place on worlds alive with magic, political intrigue, savagery and an eternal battle of good versus evil. Frank Herbert's legendary Dune Universe is another example of the issue at hand; the stage that Frank Herbert set all those years ago is a universe dominated by humans, extolling a feudal system of rulership that has survived for thousands of years after humanity leaves Earth.
In the Kinth Universe, our stage is no less grand than any of the aforementioned settings. The Kinth Series travels from one end of the galaxy to another, encountering wonders and things unknown. It all begins with dozens of species, hundreds of planets, thousands of characters and naval fleets numbering in thousands of ships from the first installment of the Series - the Kinth Legacy Trilogy, of which The Hunted Prince is the book. With the establishment of the Ranisian Empire more than ten thousand years ago, the (semi)feudal system of rulership has once again emerged as an important form of major interstellar governance.
In the Kinth Universe, our stage is no less grand than any of the aforementioned settings. The Kinth Series travels from one end of the galaxy to another, encountering wonders and things unknown. It all begins with dozens of species, hundreds of planets, thousands of characters and naval fleets numbering in thousands of ships from the first installment of the Series - the Kinth Legacy Trilogy, of which The Hunted Prince is the book. With the establishment of the Ranisian Empire more than ten thousand years ago, the (semi)feudal system of rulership has once again emerged as an important form of major interstellar governance.
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