In the galactic stage of the Kinth Series, six factions take centre stage as the major characters of this fantastical drama :
- The Empire of Ranis - The Empire has survived for nearly ten thousand years, outlasting uncountable wars, political machinations, unrest and revolts, and years of peace. Founded by Lord Sicur Acurra, of the Royal House of Currans, the Empire today is one of the major powers of the galaxy. Dozens of noble houses have served the empire in a ruling capacity, from Humans to Iairda to Tharon to Kitharan. The latest ruling dynasty is of the House Kinth, with Lord Arthor Kinth as the current ruler of the Empire.
- The Order of The Shadow Guardians - also known as the Vaunzanor Knights, the Order was formed by Lord Acurra himself, as a reserve military force that served the Empire. The Knights have come a long way since though. Today however, they are an independent power, and a major player in galactic politics. Despite being an separate faction, the Order maintains close relations with the Empire and their link with a past that has since become legendary.
- The Marinans Alliance - an order formed out of the remains of the rule of House Retsorak, the Alliance is made up of what once were mere colonies and slave planets. Today, the Alliance stands tall with all the other major powers in military might and political power. The Alliance, like the Order, maintains close ties to the Empire and House Kinth, since it was Lord Aranth Kinth, the first Kinth Emperor who gave the colonies their freedom and helped them at every turn.
Together, the Empire, the Order and the Alliance are a match for any other coalition in the galaxy, second to none and fiercely proud of their rights and privileges and quick to defend their own.
- The Empire of Ranis - The Empire has survived for nearly ten thousand years, outlasting uncountable wars, political machinations, unrest and revolts, and years of peace. Founded by Lord Sicur Acurra, of the Royal House of Currans, the Empire today is one of the major powers of the galaxy. Dozens of noble houses have served the empire in a ruling capacity, from Humans to Iairda to Tharon to Kitharan. The latest ruling dynasty is of the House Kinth, with Lord Arthor Kinth as the current ruler of the Empire.
- The Order of The Shadow Guardians - also known as the Vaunzanor Knights, the Order was formed by Lord Acurra himself, as a reserve military force that served the Empire. The Knights have come a long way since though. Today however, they are an independent power, and a major player in galactic politics. Despite being an separate faction, the Order maintains close relations with the Empire and their link with a past that has since become legendary.
- The Marinans Alliance - an order formed out of the remains of the rule of House Retsorak, the Alliance is made up of what once were mere colonies and slave planets. Today, the Alliance stands tall with all the other major powers in military might and political power. The Alliance, like the Order, maintains close ties to the Empire and House Kinth, since it was Lord Aranth Kinth, the first Kinth Emperor who gave the colonies their freedom and helped them at every turn.
Together, the Empire, the Order and the Alliance are a match for any other coalition in the galaxy, second to none and fiercely proud of their rights and privileges and quick to defend their own.
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